måndag 11 februari 2008

First day of "Spec 1-module"

So this is the fort day of the Spec module. Our module cordinator Greg talked a bit about what´s gonna be in this module and what we will get to do under the following five weeks.

Under this module we are supose to have a mentor, a person from the industry that gives us feedback on our work and under the development.
My mentor is Maren Morstad from Crew 12 currently having her internship at Eyeball NYC where I really could see myself going on my internship.
I´ve tried to gather as many as possible that could give me feedback, the more the more as I use to say.

Tasks for today
  • Choose a designer to reshearch more about
  • Team building with the design group
  • Rank goals and expectations in a top 5 list
  • One complication from the whole group

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