onsdag 13 februari 2008

Day 3 in the Spec 1 module

Today was presentation day for the 24 hour design task. I Mad a keynote where my first slide was covered with alot of poster and such from Saul Bass and in the pile of poster I put my design, making it melt into his style. Then I let his designs fade away and left was my creation.

The feedback from the class was that I got maybe to much going on in the picture to be the style of Saul Bass. They liked the choice of colors and graphic elements. The way of presenting my work was also appreciated.

My mentor Maren just got the mail with the design so her feedback will come later on today or tomorrow.

This was the first slide.

And this was my design.

1 kommentar:

Roger Haus sa...

Great Kim.
A very good design, i like it.
Hugs from Barcelona