tisdag 26 februari 2008

Release party in London

Tomorrow we will go to the train, roll over to Denmark, jump on the flight, land in London and party til we are purpule...

...and on thursday we are also gonna party, couse then we have our releaseparty.

So today is that lazy day when you should pack your stuff and go change your money to some exotic colored paper they call money in GB.

This will be my packing for the trip.
No more no less.

Remember to visit creativesunlimited.com
Soon to be realeased!

måndag 25 februari 2008

Creatives Unlimited

Our class in on the edge of a big release, the release of CreativesUnlimited.com

There is a teaser page up now with a little teaser movie that I took part in. But on to the real website. I have already tested the beta version and it´s awsome I tell you!
To bad I cant talk about it that much. Can do it later when it is released, so keep your RSS-readers uppdated, somethings will happen soon.

But please visit and take a look at our supernice teaser.

söndag 24 februari 2008

Time for interviews

Under this week I´ve been writing some questions for my mentors. And yes thats right, I´ve been blessed with two more mentors besides designer/animator Maren Morstad at Eyeball NYC. So now Creative Director Ryan Honey at Buck, LA and Art Director Rikesh Lal at Publicis Hal Riney, SF are gonna help me to and give me feedback on my specialization module and Im so happy about it.

Now over to the interview part. I´ve got my answers from Maren and later next week Im gonna talk or write to Rikesh and Ryan.
I´ve been asked to put the interviews on the blog as well, but I think Im gonna sum them up with the most interesting parts from each one instead of dropping a bomb on this blog with three long interviews.

Now back to my other tasks today.

torsdag 21 februari 2008

"The Theatre Poster"

So we got a assignment today, just a few hours of work and then presentation. Franklin de Bekker and Eric Wie from Vandejong was are here to help us and they gave us an introduction to the assignment and showed some of their posters designs.
Becaouse the assignment is to come up with a poster design for one of the following theatre pieces.

  • "Pippi longstocking"
  • "Hamlet"
  • "The sound of music"
As it looks now, I am gonna go with The Sound of Music. Probably becouse that´s the one I now least about.

The assignment is to play arround with the analog tools in design so I might do a quick photoshoot for my poster.

More will come under the day.

onsdag 13 februari 2008

Feedback from Mentor Maren

So now I got my feedback from my mentor Maren. And here it is!

"The first thing that struck me was that choice of colors. Subtle but yet a very nice pallet. All the colors fit together well. As far as I see it he playfulness in this piece, makes a good connection to Saul Bass.
For me its more interesting to see and interpretation of Saul Bass than an exact copy. And I think he has captured the sole of Saul Bass work in a neatly done way.
After a little closer look I wish that the name of the author (Roal Dahl) was worked into the design, bit more on.
The chopped up font does its job inside the peach, but it doesn't work as feel on the name.
It comes to me as a little bit disconnected.
Overall Its nicely done. And I just want to finish with the words that initially popped into my mind.

Thank you Maren!

Day 3 in the Spec 1 module

Today was presentation day for the 24 hour design task. I Mad a keynote where my first slide was covered with alot of poster and such from Saul Bass and in the pile of poster I put my design, making it melt into his style. Then I let his designs fade away and left was my creation.

The feedback from the class was that I got maybe to much going on in the picture to be the style of Saul Bass. They liked the choice of colors and graphic elements. The way of presenting my work was also appreciated.

My mentor Maren just got the mail with the design so her feedback will come later on today or tomorrow.

This was the first slide.

And this was my design.

tisdag 12 februari 2008

Day 2 in the Spec 1 module

I have now chosen a designer that I´m gonna do some research into. The first assignment is to pick one of following themes/works and use our chosen designers style to do a print design.

  • Hyper Island “Retrospective” 1995-2008
  • Roald Dahl, “James and the Giant Peach”
  • Doris Lessing, “The Golden Notebook”

I´ve choose Roald Dhal´s book "James and the Giant Peach" because that is close to Saul Bass past works.

We will peermarket two guys in my class, Emil Rydberg and Simone Magurno.
Emil choose the same designer as I did, but picked the Hyper Island "retrospective" and Simone picked Lazar Markovich Lissitzky which I will have to look up to get a clue of how that designers work looks like.

Saul Bass made alot of film posters and title sequences for some of Hollywoods greatest filmmakers. Therefore I will make my own title sequence if the time allow. The time is 24 hour. From now. So we will se if it´s possible.

Some of Saul Bass work

måndag 11 februari 2008

First day of "Spec 1-module"

So this is the fort day of the Spec module. Our module cordinator Greg talked a bit about what´s gonna be in this module and what we will get to do under the following five weeks.

Under this module we are supose to have a mentor, a person from the industry that gives us feedback on our work and under the development.
My mentor is Maren Morstad from Crew 12 currently having her internship at Eyeball NYC where I really could see myself going on my internship.
I´ve tried to gather as many as possible that could give me feedback, the more the more as I use to say.

Tasks for today
  • Choose a designer to reshearch more about
  • Team building with the design group
  • Rank goals and expectations in a top 5 list
  • One complication from the whole group

lördag 9 februari 2008

Showreel 08

Can´t find words, just look at it.



Plz leave a comment on youtube or something

Class site

So this year we are not gonna be called Crew 13 but Digital Media 2009 Karlskrona.

Not that sexy so when we now get to market our class so we get cool internships we build a new brand. Creatives unlimited. Thats what we are and that plus .com is our domain.


Take a look at our teaser for the site, the site itself will be released in late Feb.

May the plugins be with you!


God I am happy that I got my portfolio up and running. Feels nice.

Your can visit it at Jerbo.tv

It would be nice to get a comment of what you think. Post a comment here or send me a mail kim.jerbo@hyperisland.se

Peace out!