So now I´m back in action, in Karlskrona, in caos. We are running towards on deadline and now is the time to be really sure of what steps we take. As AD I feel that we have crossed the point of no return in this productio. We had a meeting with our client yesterday and got to show our designs. This meeting was a bit late in the production, because now we don´t really have time to go back and redo our concept and designs. But we were happy to know that they loved it. Some minor changes but nothing we can handle.

This is a little storyboard for our intro sequnce. This is what I will digg into this weekend.
This weekend will be the calm before the storm. We have the deadline on next thursday and we havn´t opend After Effects yet. This weekend our PM, designer, illustrator and CD will be traveling home and get back on monday, which leaves me here. So to make the most of the time, I will start to animate. As much I can.
Yvonne will work with the designs as well, but from home. Filip will also do some work over the weekend.
I´ve done some 3D work, the only 3D in this project, or maybe not. Who knows? Would love to get some time to lern more modeling in 3D but the time is short and much to do.

This is tease I got for you.
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