I should also mention that we had a visit at the RGA office in London to get our last assignment, a brief from Getty Image. The brief was about giving light on there new stuff, which is video and sound.
We came up with a concept with a number of parts. One way to market, one way to search content and one way to organize the contet on the web.
Display how much better a moodvideo can be rather then displaying a moodboard to a client.
As we know, clients will often notice stuf that your not anttend to display. So to make them get more in the mood then just annoyed with details you could use video and sound.
Comp search.
To get the perfect picture or video we came up with the idea to make your own layout of the composition and serach the content and layout of the footage. How to build this comps is simple, a drag and drop menu on the items is displayed to the left and och the right we have the comp area where you have the basic editing tools such as rotate, scale, mirror and all that.
And how cloud this work with video? Well, when we did some quick research we foundout that the most video footage is kind of the same angle all the time (the camera isnt moving in the shoots) or it got the same look over the whole video.
We also had an idea on diffrent plugins for the big Adobe softwares like After Effects where you can browse video, sound and images for your work and whitout having to go on the web, search for the content, download it, place in a folder and then import to after effects. This will be working with other softwares aswell, such as Photoshop, Illustrator and others.
Handeling content on the web.
We want a place where you can put and organize the content you find on getty images. This will be pretty much like Stixy.com, organizing and sharing your workspace, ideas/notes and content with your colleages.
This is a quick interface mockup of the Comp-search.

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